Sac City Hometown Pride
In 2014, in partnership with the county and 8 other communities in Sac County, Sac City received a $300,000 grant to implement the Hometown Pride program through Keep Iowa Beautiful. During the five years that Sac County committed to the partnership and since then, Sac City’s Hometown Pride committee has worked to not only beautify the community, but develop opportunities for people to work and celebrate together.
Grants from Sac County Endowment, Build with Bags (Iowa Grocers), Paint Iowa Beautiful, and Sac City Foundation have augmented fundraising and local donations. Improvements in Chautauqua Park and Riverview Park (Lions Park) not only made the areas more attractive, but empowered citizens to better their community. Painting playground equipment, buildings, and signage; cleaning out a river access point; installing new benches and ADA compliant picnic tables; and providing ADA compliant swings for children and adults; and building a wooden tipi and flower planter box have made the parks better suited to attract visitors.
For nine years, Trunk or Treat has drawn hundreds of people to town to experience Sac City hospitality. First Responder appreciation events have helped unite people’s voices to give thanks to those who keep us safe. Each December, individuals and groups participate in the Angel Tree Campaign, buying gifts for residents at the nursing home and assisted living facilities as well as for elementary students and other community children. Hosting a school board candidate forum encouraged people to become better informed about the issues facing our students’ educational future.
Community talent shows, hosting a musical and wine tasting event, community potlucks, movie nights, and helping students receive needed school supplies have all helped unite residents.
Although the five-year grant ended, Sac City Hometown Pride continues to work in the community, uniting residents and creating new opportunities for engagement. Volunteers and committee members are always welcome. Contact Hometown Pride Chair Curtis Bloes.
(Updated 01/03/2024)

Prairie Song Garden Coming to Riverview Park
By Tammy A. Vine
Sac City’s Hometown Pride is excited about its next Riverview Park project. Inspired by Bruce Perry, HTP will create Prairie Song Garden in part of the park. The interactive area will feature durable, outdoor musical instruments like chimes, drums, and xylophones. Completed in phases, HTP will raise funds, put in a cement riser, and install new playground instruments.
“Drawing people to rural Iowa, the quality of life issue is so vital and important,” stated Bruce Perry in a 2020 interview. Though he was talking about Fort Dodge, Bruce’s passion for bringing fine arts, economic opportunities, and better quality of life to Sac City was well known.
When the IA DNR issued a low dam permit for recreation in 1958, the city built the dam and Mauer Construction leveled the area above it, creating a pond for skating, fishing, or boating. The Lions paid the bill, held fishing contests, and more. In the mid-1970’s, the Sac City Lions and the FFA created Riverview Park. City workers leveled the land, removing dead trees. The Lions and FFA designed the park, bought playground equipment, and added restrooms, a shelter house, and picnic tables. In 2017, Bruce and Hometown Pride “adopted” the park, painting the shelter, restrooms, and playground with volunteer help. HTP also bought two ADA-compliant swings, tables, and benches. The group helped three carpenters build a wooden teepee, added a flower box, and had the spinner repaired, and more.
Prairie Song Garden will be “planted” in Riverview for three reasons. First, this playground is the original minus some broken or “too dangerous” equipment. Second, Bruce loved Riverview Park, music, and gardening (not necessarily in that order). Finally, Bruce liked promoting projects where Sac City residents worked together to beautify the community. A musical playground seems perfect.
HTP plans to buy “Botanical Garden Ensemble,” two butterflies, two flowers, a tenor tree, a trio of mushrooms, and lilypad cymbals. It costs $22,000 plus the cement riser and ramp, instrument installation, etc. HTP will add a “imbarimba” a combination marimba and kalimba (thumb piano) if enough is raised. It costs $6,800.
HTP needs help to make Prairie Song Garden a reality. Individuals or groups can donate any amount to the botanical garden ensemble. Individuals or groups can sponsor one instrument like the imbarimba, a butterfly, or a flower. A donation form is also on HTP’s Facebook page.
Cemented into an accessible riser, the instruments will be spaced so that wheelchair users can easily play them. Experiencing music in outdoor settings promotes community engagement and greater individual happiness: it relaxes, soothes, and feeds the soul. Please get the word out and tell your friends. More information is on the Sac City Hometown Pride’s Facebook page.
Write checks to: Sac Community Foundation
Memo line: Riverview Park
Send/Drop off: HTP at City Hall
302 East Main
Sac City, IA 50583